Our Pricing List
web development
Perfect for those who want a bespoke Website
From SGD$3,000 / per website
Package includes:
WordPress theme Unlimited number of pages Unlimited number of revisions ^Duration varies according to the number of page and revisions *SSL Certificate provided Free Web Hosting for 1 year ~Post deployment warranty for 1 month #
- ^ Number of times a client tells us to ‘do it again’
- * Duration excludes revisions. Should additional time be required the client would be informed
- ~ Domain name registration NOT included.
- # Warranty only covers technical issues.
- + Customised add-ons to base package available at varied prices depending on complexity.
- ^ One batch can consist of one/many content updates to one/many pages. Does NOT include new features. Duration for content update(s) varies on complexity. Assuming package NOT cancelled.
- * Same content will be posted to 3 Social Media Marketing platforms (Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest / LinkedIn / Youtube) of Client’s choice. Client to advise on content.